Monday 25 January 2010

My first wedding fayre

This Sunday i had the chance to have a stall at the wedding fayre which was held at the Ashford International Hotel in Kent.
I was so looking forward to this and had a lovely day .
Xena our niece came along to help me, and i could not have managed with out her.... especially with my bad leg and crutch's.
Well lots of people have taken my cards so i will see if they decide to have paper roses for their wedding decorations.

It is amazing how many different choices in colours the brides have from Green, Grey, Black, Aqua, Pink, i told each of them i can paint the roses to match the colour they chose.
Well i will see what happens.

I am trying to encourage Xena to sell some of her fantastic art she paints... here are some pictures of her most recent work. They are very large 5' x 3' acrylic on canvas.
I have put them on ebay for her, she has already sold quite a few through a local gallery.
I love them.

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